Frequently asked questions
How does Gift Genie work?
Is there a fee for using Gift Genie's services?
Can Gift Genie suggest personalized or custom-made gifts?
How many gift ideas will I receive?
How do I purchase the gifts I like?
Can Gift Genie help with international shipping?
What if I don't like any of the gift suggestions I receive?
How often can I use Gift Genie's services?
How can I get in touch with Gift Genie if I have questions or feedback?
How does Gift Genie know so much about gift giving?
Can I request gift suggestions for more than one person?
How long does it take for me to receive gift suggestions from Gift Genie?
How does Gift Genie keep my personal information secure?
Can Gift Genie provide gift suggestions for specific occasions, such as birthdays or weddings?
Can Gift Genie provide gift suggestions for hard-to-shop-for people?
What are the benefits of creating an account on this website?
Can I get personalized recommendations by creating an account?
Are there any benefits to creating a wishlist?
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